Those nasty lice are getting a one-way ticket out of town with the help of Lice Happens!
Everything was fine in your household until the lice came marching in. If this is your first foray into the world of lice, it can be pretty overwhelming. At Lice Happens, we understand that you and your family members want to get your life back to normal as quickly as possible. We have good news for you! Lice Happens offers professional, in-home lice treatment services in Crownsville, Maryland and the surrounding areas. In addition to eliminating lice quickly, we also impart effective head lice combing techniques to your family members so that everyone is better equipped to deal with the unlikely event of another lice infestation. By hiring Lice Happens, your family won’t have to spend hours at a conventional lice salon to get screened or treated. Everything is done in the comfort of your own home!